The report editor in QuickReportz is divided into several sections as show below.


  • General
    • General meta data about a report such as name description, etc.  See below to learn more about this section.
  • Query
    • Section for specifying report parameters and SQL query.  To learn more about this section click here
  • Columns
    • Optionally define report columns. To learn more about his section click here
  • Child Reports
    • Optionally create child reports for drill-downs or actions.To learn more about this section click here
  • Security
    • Optionally specify access permissions.  To learn more about this section click here
  • Scheduling
    • Optionally specify automated email or file folder delivery of reports.  To learn more about this section click here
  • Settings
    • Optionally specify settings.  To learn more about this section click here

General Section

All reports within the QuickReportz application have the following deinfition fields with the general section.

All reports have the following settings are available for all reports:

  1. Current Version - version of the report that is currently being viewed
  2. Report Name - friendly name of report
  3. Description - decription of report
  4. Business Owner - usually the business owner or person who requested the report
  5. Parent Report - optionally specify a parent if a report will not be executed directly, and only as a child 
  6. Category - provides caegorization of reports 
  7. Data Source - the database server/database in which to execute the report