User and group security permissions are accessible on the User/Group edit sceen.  To learn more about creating or selecting user account click here.

Permissions are fairly fine-grained allowing very specific control to be assigned to users and groups.  The following permissions are available:

  • CanViewAllVersions
    • By default users can only see the production version of a report.  This permission grants users the right to see all versions of a report such as Development, QA, or other custom defined versions as created by the administrator
  • CanViewAllReports
    • By default users can only see reports in which they are assigned, or belong to a group in which a report is assigned.  This permission grants users the right to view the production version of all reports, even when they are assigned at the report level
  • CanViewAllMonitors
    • By default users can not see monitors within the system.  This permission grants users the right to view monitors
  • CanViewAllTools
    • [Currently Not Used] - Future Version
  • CanAdministrator
    • Grants the user rights to manage all aspect of QuickReportz and grants them all permissions (it is not necessary to select each indivudal permission if "CanAdministor" has been selected)
  • CanManageDataSources
    • Allows the user the right to create and manage datasources (essentially conneciton strings for the reports)
  • CanManageUsers
    • Allows the user to create and manage user and user permissions
  • CanManageCategories
    • Allows the user to create and manage report categories
  • CanCreateEdit
    • Allows the users to create and edit report/monitors
  • CanPublishToProduction
    • By default a user with CanCreateEdit permission can only publish to versions other than production, for example "development" to "QA".  The option to publish to production will not be available unless the user has this permission.  Users with this permission will not be able to publish reports to production that are connected to a data source that is specifically flagged as production (see below for explanation of CanPublishProducitonDataSource)
  • CanPublishProductionDataSource
    • By default a user with CanPublishToProduction permission can only publish reports/monitors to produciton that are not connected to a production data source.  Specific data sources can be flagged as "production", typically a live data connection; only users with CanPublishToProductionDatASource will be able to publish a report set to one of these types of data sources
  • CanTakeSnapShot
    • Only users with this permission will be able to update snapshots for QuickReportz monitors