This parameter makes it easy for a report consumer to provide a comma delimited list of numbers.  These values are then parsed and placed in a table variable for easy use within in report queries.

In addition to the to the common attributes available to all parameter types the following additional attributes are available:

  • Is Value Required
    • Defines whether a user must enter a field value before executing the report. Click here to read more about the "Is Value Required" attribute.
  • Value
    • Assigns a default value to the field
  • MinNumber
    • Validates that the report consumer enters a number greater than the minimum value
  • MaxNumber
    • Validates that the report consumer enters a number less than the maximum value


Usage in SQL Command Text

A table variable will be declared in the auto-generated section and can be used as a standard SQL table variable.  In the below example an integer list parameter with a programmatic name of "BookFormatTypes" has been added to the report and is utilized within the SQL to search for all books with the book format type Id's specified by the report consumer


The generated SQL when executing a report containing an integer list parameter type is shown below.  Note that a table variable with a single Id column is created and then populated with an INSERT statement with whatever options the report consumer selected: