The number parameter allows for a numeric value to be input by a report consumer in a text box.

In addition to the to the common attributes available to all parameter types the following additional attributes are available:

  • Is Value Required
    • Defines whether a user must enter a field value before executing the report. Click here to read more about the "Is Value Required" attribute.
  • Value
    • Assigns a default value to the field
  • MinNumber
    • Validates that the report consumer enters a number greater than the minimum value
  • MaxNumber
    • Validates that the report consumer enters a number less than the maximum value


Usage in SQL Command Text

A single variable will be declared as INT in the auto-generated section and can be used as a standard SQL variable.  In the below example a number parameter with a programmatic name of "ReportID" has been added to the report and is utilized within the SQL expression.

The generated SQL when executing a report containing a number parameter type is shown below: