Managing the list of versions and virtual environments is easy and can be accessed within the "Admin" section in the top-level navbar.  Click here to learn more about how versions and virtual environments work within QuickReportz.

Click "Create New" to create a new version/environment or click "Edit/Delete" to modify and existing version

Enter the details for a version

  • Report Version Name
    • Friendly name shown to users within QuickReportz
  • Sort Order Index
    • Controls the publishing order shown with QuickReportz. For example a typical publishing order would be: Development, QA, Production.  A "staging" version could be added and then inserted between QA and Production; depends on the needs within your organization
  • Is Production
    • This flag controls whether the specified version should be considered as a production version.  Typically there is only production version but it is possible to specify more than one if necessary.  Certain security restrictions for publishing and visibility apply when a version is marked as production.