One of the powerful features of QuickReportz is the support for an infinite number of Virtual Environments.  These virtual environments allow the natural progression of code from development, testing, and finally production.  Deployment between these virtual environments is fast and easy by simply choosing the deployment environment and hitting the "Deploy" button on the editor screen for reports and monitors.

When a deployment happens the source code and settings for the report are deployed to the selected environment.  However things like "data source" are not copied to the new environment and remain unique for each environment.  This allows the report to be pointed to a development database, when in the development environment, and a QA database when its in the QA environment.

While QuickReportz ships by default with (3) enviornments, development, QA, and production this list is extensible to support your orgnization,  For example, you could add a "staging" environment to perform final UAT prior to a production environment.  

Click here to learn more about customization the available virtual environments within QuickReportz