The history for a report can be accessed by clicking the "View History" button within the Report View or Edit pages.

History is recorded for all updates and executions of report/monitor. Use sorting and filters to search for specific actions.

  • Create Date
    • Time and date that action was logged
  • Version Name
    • Which version of the report in which the action was performed
  • Username
    • Username of the user who performed the action
  • Report name
    • Name of the report
  • Message
    • Additional messages describing the action
  • Category
    • Various actions that are performed within the application
  • Severity
    • The type of action such as information, warnings, errors
  • View Data Link
    • Additional information for log entry, see below for more details

In some cases clicking the "View Data" link will provide additional information about the log entry row.  

For all report executions parameters are captured to show what the user selected, for example the following report parameters are captured in the report history and shown when clicking the "View Data" link 

Example Report Parameters

The following image shows the parameter values as captured in the report historyReport Parameter Capture

It also possible to to capture the output of report executions by enabling the "Log Execution Output" option as shown below.