
Additional actions/buttons can be defined for a report, in addition to the default "Execute" button, by defining custom actions within the report editor.  Custom actions are displayed to the report user as additional buttons that are linked to a child report when clicked.  The parameter values entered by the user on the parent report are passed to child for use within queries.

Custom actions can be created by accessing the "Actions" panel within the report editor as shown below

To create a new action select "Report Link" as the action type and click the "Add" button

The following values can be set for a custom action:

  • Name
    • Name of action/button shown to user
  • Linked Report
    • Report in which parent report is submitted when user clicks button (typically a child report)
  • Warn On Execute
    • Will prompt user with a "Are you sure?" message prior to navigation
  • Execute On Navigate
    • If enabled, the linked child report will execute on-load without the user having to additionally click the "Execute" button
  • Allow Grid Selection
    • Enable/Disable multi-row selection on the grid
    • Grid selection is explained further in the next section

Grid Selection

Multiple rows can be passed to a child report by enabling "Grid Selection" as defined above and as demonstrated below.

When "Grid Selection" selection is enabled in the edit action dialog an additional options is also available to specify that a button should only be shown selections have been made in the grid.

Grid Selection Usage on Child Report

All data from the selected rows are passed to the child report as a SQL table variable.  This table can then be used for additional processing on the child report.