
  • Min Row Differences
    • Minimum number of rows allowed to return from the query
  • Max Row Differences
    • Maximum number of rows allowed to return from the query
  • Send Notification Once
    • Monitor will only trigger and send a notification one time.  It will send a notification again unless it returns to a passing state and then triggers again.  This reduces the number of notifications that are sent by QuickReportz if for example a monitor is scheduled to run frequently and notifications are not wanted to be sent on every failure.

The Column Value trigger only triggers if the row/column value exceeds the specified thresholds.  This is a fixed range and is not based on a static snapshot.  Column Value triggers require both SQL command text and defining which columns to monitor along with their corresponding thresholds.

For example, the following query will return all rows from the books table.

SELECT BookId, Name, Price FROM examples.Books

Next, we will create a threshold column for the "Price" column to trigger if the value of this column is ever less than $1 or greater than $500.